this week’s digital history course, the class explored GIS as we read parts of
Knowles & Hillier's Placing History: How Maps Spatial Data, and GIS are Changing
Historical Scholarship. So what is
GIS? Well, technically, GIS is stands for geographic information systems, and
as Richard White describes it, GIS is “software, which enables one to display
and analyze any kind of information that can be located on the face of the
earth, or any other place with known location” (White, XIII). With this
definition in mind, one can understand that historical GIS, using GIS as a
research method to make scholarly arguments, might be both a superb tool for
the field of history. Containing great potential, GIS is a promising “tool for
mapping and geographically analyzing census data, social surveys, and other
kinds of systematically collected information” (Knowles, 2). Yet, as Knowles
shares, the “precision” that makes GIS such a wonderful tool for research and
analysis can just as easily be a difficult tool when one’s sources cannot be
condensed into a database (Knowles, 2). Knowles shares how GIS is also
problematic given that GIS is a visual tool and historians tend to favor words
and texts in narrative form. Furthermore, GIs is problematic in that it draws
greatly from the fields of history and geography, yet unfortunately, there
exists an “epistemological divide between geography and history”; where
historians like to study the series of events through time, geographers like to
study events within space (Knowles, 3). Yet, despite these potential problems,
many researchers have used GIS to further the field of historical scholarship.
For example,
consider Geoff Cunfer’s research on the Dust Bowl project. Traditionally,
historians believe that the Dust Bowl of the 1920s-30s was caused by
capitalism’s demanding pressure on the mid-west’s ecosystem. Then, recognizing
the potential for GIS to reevaluate the traditional narrative of the Dust Bowl,
Geoff Cunfer realized that “incorporating data about all of the counties on the
southern plains into a GIS allows the researcher to view the [historical]
questin at a different geographic scale” (Cunfer, 101). Where previous
historians had based their arguments about the Dust Bowl on the studies of two
counties, Cunfer sought to use new methods to widen the spatial scale of his
research. But, not only was he able to expand the spatial scale of his
research, GIS technology allowed him to expand his temporal scale as well (Cunfer,
109). Thus, using GIS technology, Cunfer was driven by the historical question:
was the Dust Bowl really caused by capitalism’s demand on the ecosystem of the
Midwest? Through GIS technology, Cunfer was able to look at the cause of the
Dustbowl on a large scale spatially and temporally that could not have been done
with traditional methods. As a result, through his research he concluded that
dust storms are “a normal part of southern plains ecology…Dust storm activity
can be exacerbated or locally enhanced by plowing for crops, but that was not
the sole and simple cause of the Dust Bowl” (Cunfer, 118).
Still, even
with path breaking projects like the Dust Bowl, there are
still methodological and pedagogical issues with GIS. For example, as mentioned
earlier, most historians prefer the “medium of words and narratives” instead of
digital projects (Bodenhamer, 224). Bodenhamer explains this methodological
concern as being rooted in a historians’ primary sources; he suggests, that
since a historian’s evidence is usually from words within texts, historians are
most comfortable using a narrative methodology instead of a digital, GIS
methodology (Bodenhamer, 225). Another issue raised by Bodenhamer is the
reality that GIS requires information that can be measured with precision, and
historians, unfortunately, often deal with imprecise evidence. For example,
historians might deal with temporal descriptions such as “a day’s ride from the
capital” or “close to the river,” consequently making it difficult to translate
such evidence into GIS format (Bodenhamer, 226). Additionally, as historians
typically work with nations or people who live in a geographical area with
changing boundaries, some boundaries are never formally established,
consequently making it hard to translate to GIS mapping (Bodenhammer, 22).
Along with the methodological concerns raised by historians, there are also the
pedagogical concerns raised by individuals in the digital humanities. For
example, the “scarcity of financial and technical resources” creates an impediment
to the development of GIS in the humanities (Bodenhamer, 228). In the same
light, not only is there a lack of resources needed to use GIS, but there is
also a lack of individuals trained in such technology. This is a problem in
that it requires historians (and other academics) to learn a new, specialized skill
in addition to their established area of expertise. Nevertheless, in looking at
all the potential GIS has to offer, I hope that digital humanities eagerly
embraces all the opportunities provided by this new, emerging technology.
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